Top 7 Restaurant Marketing Podcast List 2024

Whether you're a passionate chef who's turned your love for food into a thriving eatery, or a savvy entrepreneur looking to expand your restaurant empire, there's one secret ingredient you can't afford to miss: marketing magic.

Let's face it, in a world where new restaurants pop up faster than soufflés rise, standing out isn't just important—it's survival. With thousands of eateries opening their doors each year in the U.S., your mouthwatering menu alone won't cut it. You need to be the name on everyone's lips, the first choice when hunger strikes.

But here's the juicy part: we've done the prep work for you. We've stirred, simmered, and reduced countless hours of content to bring you the crème de la crème of restaurant marketing wisdom. Presenting our handpicked selection of the top 10 podcasts for 2024—each one a powerhouse of insights, strategies, and inspiration to help your restaurant not just survive, but thrive in this dog-eat-dog (or should we say chef-eat-chef?) industry.

Ready to turn up the heat on your marketing efforts? Let's dive in and transform your restaurant from a hidden gem to the hottest spot in town!

How Restaurant Marketing Podcasts Can Help You Elevate Business

Restaurant marketing podcasts can be an essential tool for you if you’re looking to enhance your marketing strategies and overall business success. Here's a detailed look at how these podcasts can be beneficial, along with examples:

1. Expert Insights

A wise man learns from his mistakes, but a wiser man learns from other people’s mistakes. In 2024, restaurant marketing experts will provide not only the strategies that led to their success but also the pitfalls they encountered along the way. By tuning into these podcasts, you’ll gain valuable insights into what worked and what didn’t, allowing you to avoid common mistakes and apply proven tactics to your own marketing efforts. This knowledge can save you time, resources, and potential setbacks, accelerating your path to success.

2. Latest Trends

Even though there are millions of blogs on top trends in marketing restaurants, it makes a big difference when you hear them directly from the experts. These podcasts not only highlight the latest restaurant trends but also delve into how to implement them effectively in various situations. The hosts discuss whether these trends are suitable for your specific business and the best approaches to take. Plus, you can engage directly by asking questions in the comments and getting personalized advice tailored to your unique circumstances.

3. Networking

Connecting with podcast hosts is just one aspect of networking. Many podcasters create communities where their audience can interact, share ideas, and support each other. By following these podcasters, you gain access to a network of like-minded individuals who can offer valuable insights and assistance. This collective wisdom can be incredibly beneficial in addressing challenges, brainstorming new ideas, and fostering collaborations that can help your restaurant business thrive in the long run.

4. Deep Dives into Specific Topics

Want to learn how AI can help your business grow? There's a podcast for that. Every podcast channel specializes in specific topics, allowing you to choose content tailored to your current needs. Whether it's mastering social media marketing, understanding the nuances of SEO, or exploring the benefits of AI in the restaurant industry, these deep dives offer comprehensive knowledge. The experts provide detailed explanations and practical advice on implementing these strategies, ensuring you gain actionable insights relevant to your unique business challenges.

👉Also Read:  - Top 10 AI Marketing Tools For Restaurant Marketing

5. Cost-Effective Learning

Podcasts allow you to access valuable information and training without the high cost of conferences or courses. No more traveling from one city to another to attend events or spending on expensive networking communities. By tuning into podcasts, you gain insights from industry experts and learn the latest strategies and trends without breaking the bank. This makes podcasts a convenient and affordable way to stay informed and improve your restaurant marketing skills, ensuring you never miss out on vital information.

Top 10 Restaurant Marketing Podcasts of 2024

1. The Restaurant Marketing School

Host: Josh Kopel

Hosted by Michelin-rated culinary entrepreneur Josh Kopel, this podcast is a collaboration with Yelp for Restaurants, blending insider knowledge with cutting-edge marketing strategies.

In just 4-7 minutes per episode, Josh dishes out a concentrated burst of marketing wisdom that you can implement before your next service. It's like having a marketing guru on speed dial, ready to share actionable tips, clever tricks, and powerful tools tailored specifically for the hospitality industry.

This isn't your grandmother's marketing playbook. Josh brings a fresh, innovative perspective to traditional restaurant promotion, helping you navigate the digital age while honoring the timeless art of hospitality. From leveraging social media to crafting compelling narratives about your establishment, each episode is packed with ideas to help your restaurant stand out in a crowded market.

Whether you're looking to strengthen bonds with your loyal patrons or attract a whole new crowd of food enthusiasts, "The Restaurant Marketing School" equips you with the know-how to make it happen. It's more than just a podcast - it's a daily masterclass in restaurant marketing, designed to fit into your hectic schedule.

2. Restaurant Unstoppable

Host: Eric Cacciatore

"Restaurant Unstoppable" is your backstage pass to the culinary world's greatest success stories. Twice a week, host Eric Cacciatore serves up a feast of wisdom from the industry's top restaurateurs and professionals.

This podcast isn't just about mouthwatering recipes or trendy food fads. It's a deep dive into the secret ingredients that make restaurants thrive. From leadership strategies to marketing magic, and from management tips to operational excellence, Eric and his guests peel back the layers of restaurant success.

Each episode is a masterclass in turning gastronomic dreams into reality. Whether you're a seasoned chef, an aspiring restaurateur, or simply fascinated by the business of food, "Restaurant Unstoppable" offers a smorgasbord of practical advice and inspiring stories.

But it doesn't stop when the episode ends. At, you'll find a treasure trove of resources, including detailed show notes, book recommendations, and tools mentioned by the guests. It's like having a consultant's rolodex at your fingertips.

So, if you're hungry for success in the restaurant industry, tune in to "Restaurant Unstoppable." It's not just a podcast; it's your recipe for turning your culinary aspirations from a simmer to a rolling boil. Join the community and watch your restaurant dreams become unstoppable!

3. Marketing for Restaurants Podcast

Host: James Eling

"The Restaurant Marketing School" is your fast-track to culinary success in the digital age. Imagine having a Michelin-starred restaurateur as your personal marketing mentor, delivering daily insights directly to your earbuds. That's exactly what Josh Kopel offers in this innovative podcast.

In partnership with Yelp for Restaurants, Josh serves up a smorgasbord of cutting-edge marketing strategies, perfectly portioned for the time-strapped restaurateur. Each 4-7 minute episode is a power-packed nugget of wisdom, designed to be digested and implemented between the lunch and dinner rush.

From mastering social media to crafting your restaurant's unique story, Josh covers it all. He bridges the gap between time-honored hospitality and modern digital techniques, helping you create a marketing recipe that's both fresh and timeless.

Whether you're a seasoned restaurateur or a budding chef with big dreams, this podcast is your secret ingredient for standing out in a competitive market. It's not just about filling seats - it's about creating a buzz, building a loyal following, and turning first-time diners into lifelong fans.

4. The Food Service Growth

Host: Carl Jacobs 

"The Food Service Growth Show" is your exclusive pass to the inner circle of food and beverage industry titans. Hosted by Carl Jacobs, the innovative CEO and co-founder of Apicbase, this podcast serves up a feast of knowledge for ambitious food service professionals.

Picture having a personal advisory board of industry heavyweights and trendsetters, all focused on helping you scale your business. That's exactly what Carl delivers in each episode. He skillfully extracts golden nuggets of wisdom from his guests, transforming complex business concepts into digestible, actionable advice.

From operational efficiency to cutting-edge marketing strategies, from menu engineering to technology integration, Carl and his guests cover the entire spectrum of what it takes to thrive in the ever-evolving food service landscape. It's like a masterclass in business growth, tailored specifically for the F&B sector.

But this isn't just theory - it's battle-tested, real-world advice from those who've been in the trenches. Whether you're running a cozy café or dreaming of a restaurant empire, you'll find strategies you can implement immediately to drive sustainable growth.

5. The Digital Restaurant

Hosts: Abhinav Kapur and Kyle Inserra

Hosted by industry experts Abhinav Kapur and Kyle Inserra, this show is designed to help restaurateurs navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape and turn it into a powerful tool for business growth.

In each episode, Abhinav and Kyle serve up a feast of digital marketing wisdom, tailored specifically for the restaurant industry. They break down complex online strategies into bite-sized, actionable advice that even the most tech-averse restaurant owner can digest and implement.

From social media marketing to search engine optimization, from email campaigns to mobile ordering apps, "The Digital Restaurant" covers all the ingredients needed to create a robust online presence. The hosts explore how to leverage these digital tools not just to attract new customers, but also to keep them coming back for more.

👉Also Read: 5 Essentials Of A 360 Degree Digital Marketing Strategy For A Restaurant Business

But this isn't just about following trends - it's about understanding how to use digital channels to authentically represent your restaurant's unique flavor and atmosphere online. Abhinav and Kyle provide insights on how to tell your restaurant's story across various platforms, creating a cohesive brand image that resonates with your target audience.

6. Rock My Restaurant

Host: Paul Barron and Paul Molinari

Hosted by industry visionaries Paul Barron and Paul Molinari, this podcast isn't just about keeping up with the restaurant industry - it's about leading the charge into a new era of culinary innovation.

From building a brand that sizzles to implementing marketing techniques that make mouths water, Paul and Paul cover it all. They dive deep into cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the restaurant experience, from AI-powered ordering systems to augmented reality menus. It's like getting a sneak peek into the restaurant of tomorrow, today.

But this show isn't just about high-tech gadgetry. The hosts also explore the human side of innovation, discussing how to create unforgettable dining experiences that keep customers coming back for more. They delve into the psychology of modern diners, helping you understand and anticipate the needs of the next generation of food enthusiasts.

Each episode is a brainstorming session with some of the brightest minds in the industry. Paul and Paul bring in guest experts, successful restaurateurs, and tech innovators to share their insights and success stories. It's like having a round-table discussion with the who's who of the restaurant world.

7. The Local Marketing

Host: Justin Ulrich 

Brought to you by marketing maestro Justin Ulrich and the team at Evocalize. Every Wednesday, this podcast transforms into a virtual laboratory where marketing experiments come to life and local business success is the hypothesis proven time and time again.

From cracking the code of local SEO to mastering the art of geo-targeted social media campaigns, "The Local Marketing Lab" covers it all. Justin and his expert guests explore how to make your brand not just visible, but unmissable in your local community. They delve into strategies for engaging your target audience in meaningful ways, turning casual browsers into loyal customers.

But this isn't just theory - it's practical, hands-on advice backed by real-world success stories. Each episode is packed with case studies and examples that demonstrate how these strategies have driven tangible business results for local enterprises just like yours.

Start Tuning In

Whether you're looking to master digital marketing, refine your brand story, or simply stay ahead of industry trends, these podcasts provide the ingredients you need to cook up a successful marketing strategy. By tuning into these podcasts, you'll gain access to cutting-edge strategies, time-tested wisdom, and innovative ideas that can help your restaurant stand out in an increasingly competitive market. 

So, grab your headphones and start listening – your journey to becoming a restaurant marketing maestro starts now!

It’s time to uplevel your restaurant marketing strategy

If you want to implement the latest solutions in your restaurant marketing strategy, there’s no better way to  learn, unlearn and then learn some more.  But before you get started with these Podcasts, you first need to build a solid digital presence for your restaurant. Being visible online builds credibility, helps your customers order food directly from you, and improves your bottom line. 

Want to set up an online ordering system for your restaurant? Restolabs can be a great pick. It’s a commission-free platform that allows you to set up a fully customized, on-brand food ordering system. With POS, delivery, and payment integrations, Restolabs helps you deliver stellar customer experience and bumps up your sales. 

Schedule a demo to know more!

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